Tuesday, June 18, 2013

another day another $

so i haven't posted the last few days which i guess is normal for a blogger but not if you are a journal writer. which is what i am right? lol  who really knows, i don't think i do. :) 

point is today is tuesday but i really wish i had written on sunday & monday.  both days were beautiful, profound & full of lots of meaning.  of course i have recorded none of it.  it's interesting to think in the very mundane life of the everyday you can get glimpses of so much better.  life moves in cycles, circles, pictures, realms & different layers of sound & color.  to be a part of it, to understand the reality & beauty of the dance we share it remarkable.  

so tonight's entry will be more of a recap.  musings over life..... like any other day. :)

this past sunday was father's day.  chock full of worship, fathers & food.  the way it should be.  there was a moment or two where light feet was needed so no drama ensued.  all family has moments of crabbiness, we are human, but w/ love, forgiveness & acceptance you can push forward in life.   

the sermon & worship music sunday was amazing.  no less than i expect & i am grateful when the Spirit speaks life into my soul, challenging me to be better & restoring the brokenness i often bring w/ me.  several songs stuck to me that day, off hand i can't remember them all but i will link a few here . :)

this one wasn't in our service sunday but is such a great song & fits.... plus i really can't think offhand what those other songs were....ugh... :)


i know i'm linking a lot & when i finally figure out how to just post the videos into my blog i will do that too, but until then please indulge & go to the links. :) 

i say that b/c i will probably post more, like this one: http://www.villagechurchbflo.com/#/media
for this one, i had wanted a more direct post but it wasn't happening.  either way the sermon was very good & i feel should be shared w/ many people. 

father's day i find is an interesting holiday & one my husband has many issues with.  i love spoiling people so normally this is great fun.  i try to encourage our kids to do the same. i had found a great idea on pinterest but apparently never pinned it b/c when it came time to make the gift.....well i couldn't find it,nor could i remember it either..... so this year we didn't do much ourselves for my hubby.  but more than that he feels he is a lousy father so he shouldn't get a thank you.  he kind of feels like it's a lie.  but aren't we supposed to say i love you unconditionally??? the Bible talks about how anyone can love someone who is nice to them, but it takes supernatural love to love someone who is difficult.  my hubby can be a handful, but that doesn't mean he is undeserving of love.  expressing love can be tricky and i'm not sure how well we've been doing on this front lately.  

my children have officially started their summer vacation this week so we have to establish a new routine.  you know, the when the tv will be on, when we will eat, finish chores etc.  i've been slacking in the accountability department w/ my children & chores.  it sucks and i know it.  soooo, that is an issue that needs some fixing.  also i want this to be a real memory building summer.  you know where you look back & go "oh yea, i remember how awesome that was"  i like doing things.... don't get me wrong, i can totally chill & do nothing all day but i like being busy too. and even when my kids fight me out the door, 9/10 they end up enjoying themselves too.  it's time to get up & move. ;)  or sit & read, but together. :)

last i have seen 2 tshirts today, both bothered me.  i felt both shirts went to extremes & we should really be in the middle as parents....  here is what i mean.

shirt one                                                             shirt two
rules for dating my daughter                             rules for dating my daughter
1.i don't make the rules                                  1.get a job
2. you don't make the rules                            2.understand i don't like you
3. she makes the rules                                    3. i'm everywhere
4. her vagina, her rules                                  4.you hurt her, i hurt you
                                                                     5.be home 30min early
feminist father                                                6.get a lawyer
                                                                     7. if you lie to me, i will find out
                                                                     8.she's my princess, not your conquest
                                                                      9. i don't mind going back to jail
                                                                    10. whatever you do to her, i will do to you

i'm not sure if there was a signature on the 2nd shirt like the first, the print was small..... but you get the jist.  now i understand the 2nd shirt was funny w/ serious undertones b/c i personally know men like this..... but both shirts are wrong.  or at least written poorly...... 
shirt one beef:
i mean yes, parents can & should set rules & guidelines for their children.  the reality is many kids will have sex outside of marriage, but that doesn't mean you don't talk w/ them, set up expectations & guidelines.  you want them safe.  the guy might have boundaries too.  both parties should feel safe & not taken advantage of.  they both should interact w/ each other in respectable ways.  that is how we show we care.  both parties matter.  i know this is referencing sex, but i feel these are too broad of statements......
she makes the rules?  about her body? ok.  about the whole relationship? no.  we do have princesses learning to be queens, but that doesn't mean they have to be narcissistic.  fourth rule, i don't have a big problem w/ it.  it's her body & she should feel comfortable.  but that doesn't mean she gets to boss the guy into uncomfortable situations sexually either.  again both parties must be consenting. 
shirt two:
get a job, presumptuous, what if they have a job?  what if they are in college, what if they do both? what if they will be a stay at home dad, ? you don't like the date?  rude, and ignorant.  that creates tension & rebellion.  it challenges all parties involved. create an environment that shows love & allows you to get to know this person.   then make a judgement call, even then you can't really stop the relationship.....  face reality, you aren't everywhere.  you might want to be, and certainly you hope your kid is conducting themselves in a proper fashion when you aren't around but get real. revenge is not the answer.  we are supposed to be peace makers.  i know sometimes we do need to defend our children, but again reality check.  people get hurt, it sucks.  lets also teach our kids how to heal & forgive.  and yes how to have a good relationship in the first place.  be home early.  eh... this is iffy.  early may show respect, it may show you were bored, it may show nothing.  be where you say you'll be, come home on time.  if you are going to be late call.  we want to know where our kids are for safety but we can't keep them on leashes either. get a lawyer??? why do they need one??? what are you implying?? bad call  i agree here, tell the truth, plain and simple.  the truth is always easiest, so no complaint.  maybe just the way it's stated.  8 isn't bad either. you want your daughter cherished & you want the boy to do that, but i don't know if blunt works for this..... 9. really??? for humor, ok, for a serious rule? no. 10. gross, wrong, vindictive ..... it's just not right, and doesn't teach anything to either party involved.  not good. 

SOOOO, after my over analyzing simple tshirts.... i have no idea how i will parent my kids when they start dating..... i'm having a hard enough time making it thru today.  it's easy to say what you won't do.... but what about the will do????  i can pray over them, try & create a loving, safe environment for them.  i can model what a healthy relationship looks like, teach them right & wrong, respect etc., i can set up boundaries, establish trust, rewards & freedom..... i can meet the significant other..... i don't know..... the road is hard & will take work, but our children are worth it.  one day i will have to battle that, but i believe in the power of love.  i just hope i can express & teach that positively. 

end transmission. ;)

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